Monday, July 12, 2010

Week 2 of Half Marathon Training

Ugh. Last week was so nice and encouraging. Day 1 I ran 1.4, day 2 was 1.75 and day 3 was 2.25. I was on fire.

So today I get on the treadmill and start running at 4.4 and within 30 seconds - boom - my calves are cramping, my shins are ripping, it was terrible. I only made it 1 mile and I had to quit. I walked for 2 more miles at 3.7 and then went and did 3 leg machines and free weights because I felt so bad.

Wednesday - 2.5 miles. No turning back. Drinks LOTS of water.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 1 - .5 Marathon Training

So I figured if anything in my life was worth blogging about and having people following, training for a half marathon would be it. Coupled with the fact that I am not a runner, and I have a mere 12 weeks to train for it, it maybe interesting to follow...

Today was day one. My SmartCoach said I need to run 2 miles 3 times this week. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. So I pumped myself up and went to the Bayer gym after work. I wanted to look legit, so i took two towels from the front and put one over the railing for my sweat and one over the screen (like all the cool-long-distance runners do).

I decided to do a 2 minute warm up, and then realized I couldn't see anything with that damn towel over the screen. So I moved it up -just a little and upped my speed to a nice 4.3. I then put my iPod on and said I would get through ALL the songs in the playlist, and that is how I would know I went a mile.

First was Empire State of Mind by JayZ. Good running music. Next was Fireflies, then Circus by Britney Spears. I was feeling it by this point and excited that next was Sweet Dreams by Beyonce, because that was the end of the playlist! But damn Use Someone popped up and extended my run by 3 minutes. By the time Sweet Dreams started, my calves were buuuurning. By the time it finished, I almost threw up. Really - in front of my coworkers. I moved the speed to 3.5 and uncovered the screen to find out I had gone 1.4 miles! Hooray! That is the furthest I have EVER jogged.

I was a little disappointed, because i realized there was another song - Papparazzi - on the playlist that i totally cut out on. But there is always Thursday!

I went to Michelle and Sean's house after work and we went out running again, but I was useless and only ran about .3 miles and walked the rest!

My calves already burn, and I don't think it is going to be pretty tomorrow! But i am taking the stairs everywhere from now on because I need to strengthen my legs.

So - until Thursday!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

27 Flights

For most of you, the below will be in left field. But maybe it will help some - and it will help me to write it down....

Most people see "Twilight" as a great series - addictive reading. But I am finding something much deeper and more real about this book. In the book, a high school junior and a vampire who is forever a high school junior fall deeper in love - on an emotional level - than anyone I have heard of in my life. Many people say it's because that is lust, or that is only "make believe". But in order for a human to know what that level of love in your body has the ability to do to you - the way it can transform you and addict you -- someone, somewhere has had to of experienced it. It may have only happened three times in all history - but it has happened. And I cannot stop myself from waiting for that. And I am just stubborn enough, and just idealistic enough, that I will wait for it - even if it never comes. And it may not. I know there is a soul binding love out there. One so strong that it comes a step away from the love God feels for us - - - because he created us in His image --- and that love is out there. I know it. And reading that book makes me long for it - and feel a crazy sadness knowing I may not be one of the lucky people who ever gets to experience it. And that's okay - because I will in Heaven.

When I finished the first book in the series (about 30 minutes ago), I realized I was late to a meeting on the 32nd floor of the hotel. So I went from my room on the 5th floor to the 32nd floor. When the meeting was over, I didn't want to fight the crowds on the elevator going downstairs for V-day dinner, so I decided to take the stairs - all 27 floors. The minute I got in the stairwell, I felt (and this is going to sound looney to most of you), like my life was like this stairwell. Each floor was someone new I would meet in my life. Each floor is different, with it's own characteristics and traits. And I felt right then that I was going to know when I hit "my" floor - - not the 5th floor -- but the floor for me. Just as I know I will meet that one out of a million (which is a bit more than 27) - and I will KNOW. Everything will be right and deep and more real than I could imagine. It will make me feel alive and I will experience a side of life and love that I never knew existed.....

I started down the flights. One at a time they passed- all the same- all flawed. Floor 30. 26. 20. 15. 12. 10. 8. 6. Not one stood out. And it broke my heart in the most un-realistic and un-logical way. There is no reason why 27 flights of stairs should make my heart break - but they did. And I entered floor 5, and started to walk to my room with a sense of loneliness and despair that I haven't really felt before. Knowing there is a soul-binding love out there that I may never experience.

And as I got to my room, I heard the people across the hallway screaming at each other. A man and woman. Cursing and saying terribly hateful things on this day that is supposed to represent love. And I heard him hit her, and she started crying and told him to stop. I called security and before they came - he left. When they asked her if everything was okay, she said "It's fine. Of course he didn't hit me. We have been married since 1994."

And my heart broke again. I can only hope that one day she realizes something better is out there. And I will wait. Until my dying day if I have to, to find that love. I know it is there - without a doubt. It is rare - but it is there. And I have to believe because I want it so badly and am willing to sacrifice now for later -- it will find me in time.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Travelling God Love

There is something so full about loving to travel, and not needing to come home -- but also something a little sad about it.

I have the opportunity to travel a lot in this job, and I find myself not minding being gone for two weeks - even thinking I wouldn't mind going for two additional weeks. And while that is great, and I love that I am independent and a strong woman, it is a little sad, too. Knowing that there are only two things to come home to. My animals and Michelle. Two things that I love deeply, but sometimes I wonder if my life is consists mainly of my work, and whether that is enough.

I know that sounds very "woe is me" - but I don't mean it to. I am insanely happy with having three things in my life in KC: my animals, Michelle and my job. But sometimes I wonder if I am shrinking my world down to a point where I am not doing what God wants me to. I love my life as it is - but not sure that I am doing enough to love the world. That may sound rather "granola-ish", but it's true. We are called to love people. And while I love people -- I love them when I see them. Which I don't that often. But, nor do I really crave wanting to. I enjoy spending each night with Michelle, and sometimes Sean.

I will let you know as I get more clarity on this - and I hope I do soon!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Good Life - Merry Christmas

I think sometimes it is so easy to see the things we don't have, and miss the things we do. I realized today that I have a pretty amazing life - quite possibly the best it has ever been. I live in a drama free world with a best friend, and a few great friends (a few being - 2). I have my dog, my cats, my hampster, a nice warm house, a treadmill, a great job, a nice boss, a loving family, a healthy family, good health myself, money to pay my bills, a great neighborhood and lastly -- an awesome God.

In this season of giving thanks - there is literally only one thing I could ever ask for more in my life that I don't already have. And in the scheme of things - that is completly alright with me. If there are others out there that could say they would only ask for one thing, given the chance to ask for anything to make their life complete -- I am sure they are few and far between.

I am blessed. I know that - and I thank the man that was born in 5 days for that. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Flying by night

So starts my whirlwind year of 2009 with a trip to Tucson, AZ for a site visit to the Marriott Starr Pass Resort for the National Sales Meeting. It was a quick trip- myself and two of our production company employees left at 4:45pm on Sunday, and arrived into Tucson at 7:30pm. We had a site visit at the Marriott from 8am-2:00pm that next day, and then flew out at 4:00ish that night - arriving back in KC at 12:45am (no thanks to the freezing rain in Dallas that delayed us). But I was awstruck when we were landing in Dallas by all of the Christmas lights on houses. They were so pretty from up there - and made me realize how many people are in this country - in this world. How many Christmas lights are turned on every evening - especially on December 15th. I had never flown so close to Christmas, but I loved it. All of the airline counters were covered in hanging snowflakes and stuff. It is a fun atmosphere.

I am realizing that I just love to fly at night. Period. I am not sure that I like seeing halfway across the country when it is light out (thanks, anxiety) - but there is something about seeing a whole city worth of lights -- cars moving on highways that look like little flashlights shining -- it comforts me and makes me peaceful. I think many times we look up at airplanes and wonder "who is on that plane? Where are they going or coming from?". But when you are up there, you don't just think of one person, or even a few people -- you think about the whole city. Maybe it is a difference in perspective -- God may say so. Looking up seems to be a childlike thing where you can often only see one thing - - whereas looking down, you can sometimes see a lot more in the picture.

Whatever it is -- I like flying at night.

Friday, October 17, 2008

10-11-08 Fall Festival

Please go to the below link for Fall Festival pictures!!